Digital Nutrition Webinar

presented by psychologist Jocelyn Brewer

Wednesday, 24 August 2022 at 7:00pm
Free registration, sign up HERE

Jocelyn’s factful and fear-free, practical approach will help parents build skills to communicate with their tweens and teens, implement boundaries and consequences for behaviours (both online and off) and assist young people to identify and manage their emotions, time and choices (without banning devices).

The seminar will also explore the ways young people use technology, some of the features of tech design that makes it so alluring and hard to put down, and the impacts on young people’s wellbeing.

Jocelyn will introduce her concept of Digital Nutrition™ as a positive framework for shaping healthy tech habits and a diverse digital diet, as well as how to apply the '3M's (mindful, meaningful and moderate) to online activities and identify ‘Virtual Vitamins’.
