Living the Dream

By Andy Fleming, Associate Chaplain

This term’s theme for Years 5 and 6 Chapels is Living the Dream.

Naturally, we all have our own ideas on what this might look like in our particular circumstances. Some might feel a four-day working week, as is currently being trialled by some companies in Australia and New Zealand, offers the work/life balance they dream of. For many others in our world it is freedom from their situation, be that for refugees and others living under oppressive rule, or those living in poverty.

One aspect of living the dream is helping others to reach theirs. We know of many of people who made great sacrifices to help others to achieve this. Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr immediately come to mind. There are others who have used their ‘positions’ to help others too. While Queen Elizabeth’s life dedication to her duty is being celebrated, it’s her willingness to help those in need that stands out for me. Earlier this year I heard a story about the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia visiting the Queen at her Balmoral home. After offering to take the Crown Prince on a tour of the grounds, they both got into the car, he in the passenger seat and the Queen in the driver’s seat. This was at a time when women were not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia. The story goes that the Crown Prince needed to asked the Queen to slow down!

I was impressed with the responses of the students in the Years 5 and 6 Chapel to how to help others live their dreams. Their collective ideas about ways we can simply support people in Pakistan affected by major floods through prayer, giving to appropriate charities and working to reduce climate change shows that we can all provide others with the opportunity to live their dream.

You may be well aware of the students in service activities throughout our school who consistently give of themselves to support those in need. They display the characteristics of people who follow the Prophet Micah’s instructions to do justice, act with kindness and to walk humbly. It is yet another awesome example of the spirit our students engender at Radford.

Blessing of the Pets

The Church remembers Saint Francis of Assisi (c. 1180–1226) on October 4th. Francis is known for his generosity to all people, his quest for justice and his companionship with, and compassion for, all animals.

Around this time, many Christian communities hold Blessing of the Animals services as a reminder that all creatures belong to God and are part of the creation that God made and loves.

In the spirit of Saint Francis, a dedicated follower of Jesus, we celebrate and give thanks for our pets. We give thanks for the work of those who care for animals and re-commit ourselves to acting for the good of our common home.

After two years of virtual Blessing of the Pets Services we are very excited to be hosting a live service in the chapel grounds at 4pm on Sunday September 18th. All creatures great and small are welcome!

May God’s peace be with you in the week ahead,

Chaplain Andy
