PYP Exhibition Journey #3

By Naomi Knight and Lucy Sincock, Year 6 students (with the 6PG team!)

This week, Year 6 experienced a challenging but exciting time with Exhibition.

On the exciting side, we had our workshop day, where we had a guest speaker, Johnathan Davis, who is an MLA, (that means a Member of the Legislative Assembly). ‘Johnno’ discussed with us what it means to serve with kindness, and how action can be taken at any age.

Ms Begbie also talked to us about taking action on climate change, and what we can do today to help.

For workshops, we discussed numerous topics including email writing, executive functions and how we can apply maths into our learning.

This week we also learnt about different ways to use mind maps to show our understanding and we reviewed what transdisciplinary themes are.

Week 4 promises to be another busy week with Exhibition, and we finally work with our teams! In between Rostrum speeches and the Cross Country festival, we will complete our essential agreements and finalise our central ideas!

Johnathon Davis, MLA addressing Year 6
Johnathan Davis, MLA addressing Year 6
