Radford College Logo Competition

On 24 October, a call went out to the Radford College community for a competition to design a logo for our 40th celebrations next year. More than 80 entries were received, making the decision for judges very tricky. They were narrowed down to four entries, which were sent back to the Radford Community to vote on.

The winning logo was designed by Year 8 student Thenuki Weerabaddana Dissanayake. A graphic designer will work with Thenuk's design to produce the final artwork.

Thank you to all who entered, and congratulations to Thenuki and the other finalists: Year 6 student Angelia Lee, Year 11 student Charlie Rehfisch and Year 9 student Olivia Seidl. A special commendation also went to Year 4 student Ayele Mann.
