A Glimpse of Unity and Inspiration and AWE

By Ms Karen Mahar, Acting Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School

Karen Mahar

What a fabulous start we have enjoyed to the 2024 school year.

During the staff professional learning week earlier in January, our college staff had the privilege of hearing from Dr Julia Baird, renowned writer, journalist and tv presenter.

In her keynote address, Julia emphasised the concept of ‘grace’ as an expression of the best qualities in humanity: forgiveness, kindness, openness to the sheer wonder of the natural world and to the gift of life. She encouraged us to seek moments of awe and wonder.

Julia shared her own profound joy of swimming in the ocean and discussed ongoing research exploring the measurement of goose bumps, as a response to measure awe.

“Awe is something not easy to define, but usually involves stopping in your tracks, being amazed by something and, often, feeling small against the full scale of the universe.”

Last Friday, as the entire student body, spanning from our newest students in Pre-K, to our year 12’s, in addition to our dedicated college staff, gathered in the Collegians Centre for a ceremony of unity and inspiration, I was struck with awe. The atmosphere was electric, yet tranquil, with a blend of calm serenity and energy permeating the air. There was both silence and reflection; words of inspiration, music and singing.

Bruno Mars' "You Can Count on Me" performed by Mr Kevin Knapp and Mr Stuart Mitchell, further infused the gathering with positivity and camaraderie, setting the tone for the events that followed.

Amidst a sea of vibrant house colours, we were treated to a moving rendition of "True Colours" by Reuben and Lilla Gillman-Wells, accompanied by a slideshow featuring images of our staff and students. The message of embracing one's true self, resonated deeply, as we reflected on the beauty of diversity within our community.

Drawing from St. Paul's letter to the church in Colossae, a poignant Bible reading reminded us of the virtues we should embody: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These timeless values serve as guiding principles for our interactions within the Radford community.

A very entertaining and captivating performance by our college prefects transported us 'beyond the bubble,' inspiring everyone to seek new horizons and embrace the opportunities presented.

As we embark on this new school year, we are reminded of the precious gift of time. Time to learn, rest, have fun, and connect with others. We were reminded to savour each moment, to be present and take notice.

At Radford College, we embrace diversity. Not only in culture, but also in language. In celebration of Lunar New Year, Rex Li and his team treated us to a mesmerizing Lion Dance, symbolizing good luck and happiness for the year ahead. The performance captivated hearts across all age groups, uniting us in joy and festivity.

Led by Sebastian Leigh and Mr Amer Salman, our community all came together to sing "Jesucristo Reina" (Jesus Christ reigns) embracing the richness of the Spanish language and culture.

As we navigate the term ahead, let us continue to embrace unity, diversity, and inspiration within our Radford community. May we foster a community where all are valued, celebrated, and empowered to showcase their true colours.

You're invited to watch a timelapse video of the Commencement Service.




