A time to pause, catch our breath and reflect

A time to pause, catch our breath and reflect

By Ms Karen Mahar, Acting Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School

Term 1 has proven to be another action-packed busy time in the college, the buzz around the college hasn't slowed down one bit!

With a few more weeks to go, we've already seen adventurous and challenging camps for Years 5, 6, 7, and 11, along with music, art and IBDP camps. The term has been packed with diverse opportunities for growth and learning. There have been experiences galore, from adventurous excursions to engaging incursions, the wrapping up of many summer sports, and preparations and commencement of many winter sports.

Today, the entire student body, from Pre-K to Year 12, congregated in the Collegians Centre for the Easter service. In moments like these, I pause and reflect on the vibrant community we're part of. The strong sense of connection, shared values, and common purpose are vividly evident.

Amidst this whirlwind of activity, and with the Easter break upon us, it feels like the perfect time to hit the pause button. Taking a moment to step back from the hustle and bustle allows us to prioritise our wellbeing. Whether it's reconnecting with loved ones and significant people in our lives, soaking up some nature, uplifting moments at the beach or in the mountains, or simply ensuring a peaceful night's sleep without tomorrow's to-do list looming overhead, carving out time for ourselves is crucial.

This pause isn't just about catching our breath; it's also an opportunity for reflection. Reflection is like the secret sauce of learning – it deepens our understanding of lessons, sparks connections between different areas of knowledge, and ultimately leads to a greater sense of fulfilment.

As we prepare for the Easter holiday, let's inspire our community, regardless of age, to embrace this opportunity for reflection and rejuvenation. Let's encourage simple acts of pausing, unwinding, and resetting during this extended weekend.

Consider this a gentle nudge to live with purpose and mindfulness, focusing on being present in the moment. This might involve disconnecting from devices, immersing oneself in nature, taking a trip to the beach, getting your hands dirty in the garden, relaxing, cooking, or creating something.

As we reach the final weeks of Term 1, the energy and activity within the College shows no signs of slowing down! Excitement builds as we anticipate a series of significant events in the College Calendar – including the athletics carnivals, Junior School Hispanic Day, P&F Ball, Foundation Concert, Foundation Day ceremony and Bishop's Cup activities. These are the events and occasions that leave a lasting impression and create memories that will be cherished for years to come.

May your Easter break be a time of renewal and connection, embracing moments spent doing what nourishes you and the significant others in your life.
