Senior Drama Camp & Act Up

By Ms Sally Stenning, Head of Performing Arts

Senior Drama Camp

The 2023 Senior Drama Camp proved to be a great success, with students across technical and performance classes engaging in a range of rich activities to extend and support their learning. This year's Senior Drama Camp was held at the beautiful Warrambui Conference Centre, where students worked collaboratively to plan, rehearse, workshop and present a range of work exploring creativity and leadership.

The Drama Camp is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage in deep and sustained creative practice in a relaxed environment where they learn the value of working as an authentic ensemble and forge deep and lasting friendships along the way. Thank you to Mr Nick Akhurst for his work with the technical students and the College for supporting this enormously valuable event.

Senior Drama Camp 2023.

Act Up 2023

Our Year 9 students are busy rehearsing for the upcoming Act Up Theatre Festival. Staged at Canberra Theatre, Act Up provides schools from Canberra and the surrounding district the opportunity to showcase the work of talented drama students. This year we have three groups performing, exploring the themes of ‘Follow Your Dreams’, ‘Fear of the Unknown’ and ‘Skin Deep’.
