Classes of '93, '03 and '13 Return

Classes of '93, '03 and '13 Return

By Monique Glavonjic, Administrator - Fundraising and Events

We had a wonderful afternoon welcoming back our past students from the Classes of 1993, 2003 and 2013 on Saturday, 9 September.

It was great to see more than 100 Collegians return to the College and T.B. Millar Hall – many nostalgic memories were shared. Our photographer captured so many memories from the evening – they can all be viewed here.

Special thank you to the following people who made this event possible:

  • Our wonderful Collegian Captains, Kaitlyn and Evelyn, who conducted the College tours and helped with the set-up of the hall.
  • Mr Nick Akhurst for arranging some of the old drama photos that were hung and getting the hall ready for us to bump in!
  • The Service-Learning students who were fantastic, so friendly and helped so much with the pack down.
  • The Radford facilities team who arranged the delivery of furniture to the hall.

Lastly, thank you to the Collegians who returned to the College; we really hope you enjoyed yourselves and loved catching up with your classmates.
