Creative Arts Immersion

Creative Arts Immersion

Ms Dimity Kidston, Acting Head of Creative Arts

In the picturesque setting of Bundanon, renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich artistic heritage, 22 senior creative arts students from media and visual arts embarked on a remarkable three-day journey. This immersive experience, designed to fuse nature with artistic creation, offered a blend of inspiration, education, and creative exploration.

Upon arriving in Bundanon, the students were greeted by the legacy of Arthur Boyd, whose vision for this sanctuary was to inspire artists by the beauty and tranquillity of the natural environment. It’s within this inspirational backdrop that the students began their exploration, guided by three teachers Ms Dimity Kidston, Mr Brad Cooney, and Mr Tim Minehan. Mr Minehan not only imparted his wisdom but also skilfully navigated the bush through the scenic, yet challenging routes of the Southern Highland, ensuring a smooth and safe journey for everyone.

Students engaged in a wide variety of workshops, exploring printmaking, storytelling through shadows, photography, drawing and painting. These sessions, coupled with personal explorations of the stunning Bundanon landscapes, allowed students to forge a deep connection with their surroundings, influencing their creative processes.

The visit to the Tales of Land and Sea exhibition was a source of inspiration, providing students with an understanding of how narrative can be interwoven with visual art. This experience encouraged them to integrate their own observations and experiences into their creative output.

The highlight of the trip was undeniably the final night, with the culmination of the students’ efforts projected onto the buildings of Bundanon. This unique showcase transformed the architecture into a canvas, bringing the students’ artworks to life in a display that illuminated the night.
