Embracing Mexican Traditions

By Mrs Sophie Manoharan and Ms Yarami Ramos Gomez, Junior School Spanish Teachers

Recently, students from the Junior School came together to learn about and celebrate the Day of the Dead, a significant Mexican tradition. They created beautiful marigold flowers, a symbol of the Day of the Dead, to honour this special occasion. The marigold flowers were then given to the Embassy of Mexico for use during their celebrations.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Embassy of Mexico for their amazing support. They not only helped us to celebrate Hispanic Day, but also taught our students about Mexican customs and traditions, making this experience even more meaningful.

The marigold flower is significant in Mexican culture as it is used to decorate altars dedicated to ancestors during the Day of the Dead. Our students, regardless of their craft skills, eagerly embraced this project, demonstrating their enthusiasm to learn and respect different cultures.

This initiative not only celebrated a vibrant tradition but also highlighted the importance of unity and understanding between communities. We are proud of our students for their creativity and open-mindedness.
