Evening of Fine Music

Evening of Fine Music

Thuhi Mathu-Ragupathy and Olivia Steenbeek, Year 12 2024 Strings Captains

Evening of Fine Music 2023 was held on Saturday, 2 September, and to say it was an incredible evening would be an understatement. This evening highlights the exceptional musicians of Year 12. Their untiring commitment to their musical instrument(s) was clearly displayed. This year, there were a whopping 12 musicians featured on the night, many accompanying each other, which was a key highlight. There was also a wide variety of music on offer, from the classical piano to jazzy trumpet. It was amazing to recognise the contributions of these students and their dedication to music. The musicians featured were:

  • Luka Sostarko – trumpet
  • William Abbott – drum kit
  • Michael Vincent – piano
  • Angus McKee – voice and guitar
  • Monica Cao – cello
  • Evelyn Toyne – viola
  • Jake Smith – violin
  • Amira Hibberd – voice
  • Oscar Boswell – voice
  • Joshua Robards – voice
  • Robbie Potter – voice
  • Milo Kroeger – voice

A huge thank you to the Radford music department for supporting the performers and Mrs Emily Leong and Mrs Bronwyn Brown who accompanied students on the piano. Many thanks to Mr Tim Minehan and the Media Crew and Mrs Jane Lilley, who as Head of Year 12, emceed the night. Congratulations to everyone on such an enjoyable evening.
