I wonder . . .

By Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain

Rev. Dr. Katherine Rainger

I hope that the Easter weekend was meaningful and refreshing. The western church celebrates the Easter season (also known as Eastertide) for 50 days beginning on Easter Sunday. This gives us plenty of time to bask in the wonder of new life and hope found in the resurrection of Christ.

At the Easter service last week students and staff were invited to consider the parts of the Easter story that stood out to them. We heard from Year 11 student Rowan Harris who spoke about Jesus breaking free from the tomb. Year 6 teacher Mr Paul Gibson spoke about the power of hope even in hopeless situations. Acting Director of Service Learning Ms Kath Notley shared about the gift of second chances drawing on the story of the apostle Peter who denied Jesus and was then restored to friendship with him. Dance teacher Miss Melissa Markos shared the Greek custom of cracking hollow Easter eggs together to represent Christ’s resurrection and the empty tomb with the words Christos Anesti (Christ is Risen!) and Alithos Anesti (Indeed he has Risen!).

Year 12 student Amy Purvis has shared her reflections in writing, inviting us to consider the meaning of Easter today and every day. Amy writes:

“When we think of Easter, we think of chocolate eggs and those little fluffy yellow chicks. But it is much more than egg hunts and how many fluffy yellow chicks you collected. Easter is a time for reflection and a time for community. It is a time for gathering with friends and family and celebrating the things we are thankful for.

The Easter story tells us of the sacrifices God made for us and the love he has for all. This Easter I will spend time with my family and attend church, connecting with others and reflecting on the true meaning of the season. When I read the Easter story, one quote in particular sticks with me:

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)

This reminds me that wherever we may go in life, God will always be by our side and will accept us all, no matter who we are or where we come from. This is because we are his children.

Thomas Kinkade

Thomas Kinkade created this artwork, reflecting on the spirit of Easter. The painting of three crosses standing atop a hill resonates with me deeply, providing a visual reminder that Jesus died for us and on Sunday we are reminded of the empty tomb. Jesus has risen and will come again.

Now more than ever it is important that we all take the time to pause and observe what is happening around the world. The devastation of war and homelessness leaves many behind, so we must give to and support those people, just as God gave his life so we could all have new life. I know that this Easter season I will be reflecting on the power of change and spending time with God, appreciating the beauty of the life that I have.

Finally, I encourage each of you to take a few minutes during the Easter season to view this short film.

I hope this film, the artwork, and the following quote by Rev. T.D. Jakes prompts you to take a moment for reflection on the Easter story and what the season means to you."

"The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us feel we have confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake."
