Little stairs for little feet

Little stairs for little feet

A highlight during the first week of Term 1, was the unveiling of the brand-new bush stairs between the Browning Early Learning Centre and the Mulford Junior School.

This project, that was completed over the summer holidays, was the brainchild of Radford College's Facilities Manager, Mr Craig Webber. The idea behind the stairs was to make the trip between the ELC and Junior School easier on the younger students.

The stair risers are shorter, and the treads are longer, to enable the little ones to take a few steps between stairs. It is also designed to make the trip fun, with lots of peepholes along the way to look through and turn the trip up and down the stairs into a game.

Ms Karen Mahar, Acting Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School, says the Early Years staff are enthusiastic about an additional space for Perceptual Motor Programs.

The stairs will be utilised on Tuesday and Thursday mornings when the Pre-Kindergarten children have their PE lessons, as well as by Year 1 students to access the PE garden as an additional play space during break times.

The stairs also provide a connection between the ELC and Junior School and will support our students in their transition from PK to Kindergarten.

“The Bush Stairs don’t just connect the physical structures of the Radford College Junior School, they promote educational pathways that foster a seamless transition of growth for our early childhood learners," says Mrs Jo O'Brien, Assistant Head of Junior School Learning and Teaching.

Radford College prides itself on its reputation for sustainability. These stairs are made from hardwood sleepers and concrete framework and was built to last for at least 30 years. Over time the sleepers will fade due to exposure to the elements and blend in with the school's beautiful bushland surroundings.
