Radford P&F and Collegians Update
Radford P&F Committee
Following the Radford College Parents & Friends Committee Meeting on Thursday, 16 March, we are pleased to announce the 2023 Committee:
The P&F Committee Executive
- President – Lisa McPherson
- Vice-President – Eleanor Bleeser
- Secretary – Agnes Kopras-lanson
- Treasurer – Nat Talbot
- Assistant Treasurer – Ke Ma
- Publicity Officer – Monique Glavonjic
Committee Members
- Mari Kirkpatrick
- Stephanie Hinton
- Karen Blandford
- Rachel Horne
- Sarah Clough
- Darren Menachemson
- Fiona Godfrey (Ex-officio member)
- Jim Lilley (Ex-officio member)
The first committee meeting for the year will be held on Thursday, 23 March at 6 pm. We welcome both in-person and virtual attendance.
If you would like to join the meeting via Zoom, please email P&F Administrator, Monique Glavonjic - P&F@radford.act.edu.au
Radford Artshow
Friday 19 May to Sunday 21 May (Gala Opening Friday at 7 pm)

The Radford College Parents & Friends Association is thrilled to announce that registration is now open for students and external artists to enter the 2023 Artshow@Radford.
How to Register and Terms and Conditions can be found here.
Registrations close on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 5 pm.
Students from Years 4 to 12 are encouraged to enter.
Radford Collegians Long Lunch

Save the Date for the Radford Collegians Long Lunch.
We look forward to sharing our guest speaker and ticket information in next week's Bulletin.