Radford Reaches Out

Radford Reaches Out

By Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain

There are so many people in Canberra and beyond who do fantastic work making life better for other people. These individuals and organisations often rely on support in the form of time, advocacy and donations to do the work that they do.

At Radford College we seek to be a generous-spirited learning community.

As part of our Foundation Day celebrations the whole College will participate in Radford Reaches Out, where we raise money for organisations chosen by students in the Radford Student Council (RSC) in the Junior School and Radford Awareness and Service (RAS) in the Secondary School.

Junior School

Students in the Junior School have been discussing a number of organisations they may wish to raise money for and have been setting fundraising goals in their classes. This year, one of the Junior School’s main charity focusses will be raising twelve months of sponsorship for our four Compassion Children as well as having a small reserve of funds to support anything that comes up through RSC.

Families are able to send cash donations in with their children or donate online through TryBooking. Click on ‘BOOK HERE’ and follow the instructions to make your donation.

Secondary School

Secondary students are kicking off their fundraising with a BBQ at the Secondary Athletics Carnival on Thursday 28 March. Beef and vegetarian sausages and gluten-free bread will be available on the day.

This will be followed up with a 'Radford Reaches Out fundraising day' on 5 April.

The Secondary School is supporting:

You can support the BBQ, fundraising day and/or donate online through TryBooking.
