Radford's language leaders

By Michele Sharp, Head of Languages, and the Year 11 Language Captains

Each year Radford appoints students to leadership roles, and in the case of the Languages Department, we select language captains to promote and assist with language learning. Student leaders are expected to live with integrity, embody the values of the College, be wholly themselves and flourish whilst engaged in the service of community. They are expected to be a model for others to emulate and do this by their everyday presence and demeanour, whilst also fulfilling responsibilities in a meaningful portfolio of work.

The captains are mentored by staff to promote language experiences across the Secondary School. During the interview process and subsequent meeting, they have expressed wonderful ideas to engage the wider student body with the importance of language learning. We wish them well with their endeavours this year.

This is what the captains had to say about their language learning journey thus far.

Japan flag

Anika Chaturvedi – Japanese Language Captain

Languages are one of the tools of connection, so why not hone multiple means of communication? I believe that the distance of people who originate miles away from your tangible reality, can be instantly shortened by even a meaningful ‘hello’.

My first exposure to Japanese was in Year 7. Over the years, I have fallen in love with the Japanese culture, and seeing the progress of me and my class’s linguistic evolution, has proven to be extremely fruitful.

My favourite memory from Japanese thus far, is going from not knowing our Japanese exchange students when first meeting them, to having lifelong friendships despite our linguistic and cultural differences, all in just one week. Languages don’t need to limit us but should make us even more appreciative of the fact that the effort taken to understand others comes from a sincere place of curiosity and connection.

As Japanese Language Captain for 2024, I hope to pique your curiosity regarding other cultures, people and languages this year.

Aayush Bhatia – Japanese Language Captain

I have enjoyed learning new languages and experiencing different cultures from a young age. I began learning Japanese in Year 7 and it quickly became one of my favourite subjects. Last year I was lucky enough to experience the culture and the language I had been learning first hand on a study tour around Japan. From that moment onwards, I truly understood what adults in my life had been telling me: “learning a language will teach you valuable skills and open up new pathways in your life."

Through learning a language, I have developed my communication skills, both in Japanese and English, and I have furthered my understanding of diversity within different cultures. The higher education and employment pathways that are now available to me through my study of Japanese are just one example of the benefits of learning a language.

We are fortunate that Radford offers four languages for us to learn. I highly encourage you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity and learn a language at Radford College.

Erica Li – Chinese Language Captain

Learning a second language unlocks doors to new cultures whilst enhancing communication skills, co-operation skills, and allows you to have global connections. There are so many other benefits that anyone who chooses a second language get to enjoy.

Languages are diverse and unique, there is something for everyone no matter your personality or interests., whether it's historical context, calligraphy and writing, origins behind traditions for festivals, or general interest in a culture other than your own. Chinese is different to all other subjects, making it stand out.

Learning a second language comes with countless benefits, such as improving your reasoning skills or giving you a second form of communication in order to bond with people overseas. Learning a second language also allowed me to go on multiple excursions and experience things not possible outside of school such as hotpot with a class group, trips to Chinatown in Sydney and even spending the night at the Nan Tien Temple in Wollongong.

Radford provides the opportunity to learn four major languages, I would heavily encourage everyone to get involved and enjoy the experiences that can only be offered through learning a second language.

Tahlia Hunt – Chinese Language Captain

Learning languages is one of the most beneficial subjects offered at Radford. This group of classes fosters students who think diversely and has been proven to enhance academic performance across all subjects.

Choosing to study Chinese (Mandarin) was one of the most daunting decisions I have made throughout my schooling. I felt behind my peers in learning the language due to not having a Chinese background. What began as a tentative decision in year eight has evolved into a transformative experience – one that I am immensely grateful my 13-year-old-self made.

Studying Mandarin has not only improved my language skills but also enhanced my diligence and study methods, enriching my learning in all subject areas. Additionally, my cultural awareness has expanded, providing invaluable insights into neighbouring regions.

My aim this year is to help alleviate the immense anxiety surrounding language choice and to demonstrate that, although it may seem difficult, learning a language is incredibly rewarding and offers unparalleled experiences compared to all other subjects at Radford.

Rea Ramassini – Spanish Language Captain

I first began learning Spanish in the United States over five years ago. Many members of my community along with students in my school spoke primarily Spanish, but little English. I felt that it was very important to be able to connect with my peers through language. With some time and lots of practice, not only was I able to better communicate with my classmates, but we also developed strong and lasting friendships.

In a diverse world, language is an essential tool that can help bring us together. I have learned through my Spanish classes just how important it is to embrace other cultures. Learning languages opens the door to valuable perspectives from all corners of the globe. Taking a language class has taught me to be a critical thinker and more open-minded to the incredible world around me.

Being able to travel anywhere and communicate with the people you meet strengthens connections and offers unique and valuable insights. I believe that languages should not be seen as barriers that divide us, but instead have the potential to unify people. I am forever grateful for the experiences and personal relationships that Spanish has brought me. I have developed a great love for language, and I plan on using Spanish in areas of my life that go beyond school. I can confidently say from experience, that learning a language is one of the most rewarding opportunities you can provide yourself with.

Isobel Higgins – Spanish Language Captain

During my time at Radford, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study a language every year. This experience has been nothing short of enriching, as it allowed me to immerse myself in various languages and gain a deeper appreciation for their respective cultures.

Through my language studies, I have come to understand that language is not just a means of communication but a reflection of a people's history, values, and way of life. My interest in Spanish, for instance, dates back to when I was only eight years old and discovered that the Spanish version of Elizabeth was my name, Isobel. Although I later found out that just because my name was Spanish didn't mean my family had Spanish roots, my fascination with the language and culture stayed with me throughout the years. For this, I cannot express my gratitude enough.

Studying Spanish and other languages at Radford has opened my eyes to different cultures, careers and experiences. It has been immensely enriching to learn and engage with the customs, traditions, and beliefs of people worldwide. I look forward to helping and assisting those around me to engage in learning not just the language but also the culture tied to it.

Emma Osborne-Laverty – French Language Captain

Over the years I have studied many languages, including Indonesian, Japanese and Spanish, but French by far has been my favourite. Ever since my first French lesson in year 7 I have loved the language and the culture.

Becoming French captain has opened up so many opportunities for me to help others and share my love for the language. If you are just starting out and feel like you need a bit of extra help, I am extremely happy to assist!

I would definitely recommend studying a language in high school, as it opens up so many opportunities like meeting people from all over the world. I am very grateful for the chance to have French helpers in the classroom who are native speakers and spend the year with us. There is also the chance to either just host or go on an exchange which not only helps with your understanding of the language, but also gives you the opportunity to make friends from all over the world!

Thomas Liu – French Language Captain

Languages are all around us. From speaking with our friends and peers, to communicating ideas and storytelling, learning languages allows us to experience our ever-increasingly global world from different, beautiful perspectives.

Currently, I'm studying French at Radford and I speak Chinese at home. One could think that learning and/or using all of these languages would be exhausting - it can be - but it's worth it. I can tell you that now that I'm able to engage more with what I learn and address problems from different perspectives, and if you’re a bit of a language nerd like me, learning how other languages work becomes so much easier. Plus getting an insight into another culture is amazing. So, if you ever get the chance to do a language, take it! You might even get to go to another country!
