The 1984 Art and Pottery Exhibition

By Mrs Annette Carter, College Historian

Not only are we celebrating Radford College’s 40th anniversary, but it is also the anniversary of the Art show (previously known as the Art and Pottery Exhibition). It was first held on 5 and 6 May 1984 and was described as “ambitious” with 50 exhibitors. It was organised by Mrs Faye Cummings and the P&F Committee and they had only eight weeks to organise the whole event. They commented later that they were “absolutely delighted with the response from local artists”.

It was the first fundraising activity held at Radford College and it raised $4000. It also allowed the community to come and view “at close range Belconnen’s newest education establishment”. The black-tie preview provided port, hand-made liqueur chocolates, almond bread and coffee and was officially opened by Principal Jock Mackinnon. The cost of admission was 50 cents, a cellist provided entertainment and Devonshire teas were served.

The photos in the gallery below were taken at the Radford Art and Craft show, as it was then called, in 1985.
