Waste-free birthday treat ideas

By Melinda Hamilton, RTC Co-ordinator and Year 1 Teacher

The RTC continues to work hard to encourage the Junior School to be waste-free every day.

An issue the RTC has noticed is when students bring in treats to share on their birthday, many of the items are wrapped in plastic – for example, plastic lolly wrappers, chocolate wrappers and plastic ice-block wrappers.

So, the members of the RTC put their heads together and came up with some ideas of birthday treats which might be waste-free or at least packed in recycled/recyclable materials. We hope students might find it helpful when choosing a birthday treat to share with their friends that is also kind to the environment.

Donuts in a recyclable cardboard box.
Muffins, brownie, cupcakes and biscuits that are cooked at home can come in a Tupperware container.
If you purchase, rather than bake these, choose ones that come in recycled packaging.
Snakes can come in a bulk packet and some packaging is even paper!
Homemade jelly in plastic cups that can be recycled, or better still, in paper/cardboard cups to be recycled.
