Welcome to our 40th Year. This is our time!

Welcome to our 40th Year. This is our time!

By Mr Andy Gordon, Interim Principal

Our community has much to celebrate, not least the pioneering spirit of those that came before us. As custodians of the legacy of Radford, we have a responsibility to be brave and innovative, while remembering and honouring the advice of our founders.

Our College Historian recently shared the speech that Thomas Bruce (T.B.) Millar, the inaugural Chair of the Radford Board, delivered at the College’s official dedication and opening on Saturday, 11 February 1984.

Thomas Millar’s words demonstrate a foresight and humanity, that could be delivered today and retain their impact.

“We dedicate Radford to the objective of ensuring, so far as possible, that its students are cultured and compassionate human beings, grounded in Christian teachings and traditions, and who at the conclusion of their school careers are well prepared for tertiary education, for employment, and for living.

We dedicate this College to the objective of making its facilities available to children from as wide a range of family incomes as possible.

We extend a hand of friendship to all who espouse a different philosophy of education from our own, and we dedicate this College to the breaking down of all barriers between sections of the community. We dedicate it, as a co-educational school, to the dignity, equality and individuality of the sexes, and a recognition of the masculine and feminine qualities in every person.

We dedicate this Christian college to a recognition of the integrity that lies in all religious faiths, and to the right of all people to religious freedom.

We dedicate this Australian college to a love and understanding of our own country, including the descendants and the culture of its original inhabitants; to the preservation of those liberties and proper opportunities which earlier generations have laboured and sacrificed to obtain and protect; to those values which lie at the root and base of our society and our being, and which, if not repeatedly fought for, may eventually be lost.

We dedicate this college to an understanding of the problems facing mankind, and a desire to do something about them.”

Let Thomas Millar’s words at the very foundation of our College, ground us this year as we celebrate our 40th year of being.

Visit the College’s Events page to keep up-to-date and get involved with the many community gatherings this year.

Year 12 2023 Publication

We are proud to celebrate the outcomes of our Class of 2023.

Success Through Determination is the culmination of their journey.

As mentioned in the introduction, our young people have excelled academically and have made a positive impact through their service, compassion and resilience. They leave behind a strong foundation for future classes to build upon, and their bonds with each other will likely endure for years to come.

We look forward to hearing from them as Collegians and will continue to celebrate their future achievements.

Induction of our 2024 Student Leaders

We were delighted to induct our student leaders for 2024 this morning.

Our 2023 JA Mackinnon Dux Terry Yang spoke to our students and shared the exciting news that he is off to the University of Oxford later this year to study philosophy, politics and economics.

Terry gave a heartfelt thanks to his teachers at Radford and said he could not have achieved what he has so far, without their support.

Mr Andy Gordon with 2024 Prefects

Addressing the students, Terry said: "Alright, my final bit of advice is to do stuff! ... A strategy I’ve found immensely useful is this—and this is probably the only piece of practical advice I have to give. I imagine myself a week or a month after a decision, and consider whether it’s likely I’ll regret choosing whatever I choose. You’re far more likely to regret not doing something because you won’t know what it’s like to have done it. And even if it’s bad, your brain has a cognitive bias to remember things as better than they were. Do stuff. It’ll be great."

After the 2024 Prefects were inducted, our Captains and Vice-Captains Holly, Hugo, Palak and Hamish said their focus for the College's 40th year would be to step "Beyond the Bubble." They encouraged students to embrace new experiences, open their hearts to new friendships, try a new sport or co-curricular activity, or ask questions in class if that is something they struggle with.

The message to all our students aligned with one I delivered to our staff last week. It was inspired by the speech given by Kurt Russell from the film Miracle about the U.S. men's ice hockey team, whose gold medal victory in the 1980 Winter Olympics over the heavily favoured Soviet team was dubbed the "Miracle on Ice".

Taking Kurt Russell's lead, if I was addressing our students in the sheds before a sporting contest, I’d say:

"You could attend school for 13 years… and 12 might beat you… might weary you… defeat you…

Not this year… Not now… You were born to learn."

A summary of the rest of my message to our students this morning is this:

"Learners, legends, leaders.

We all lead… self first…then others… then our learning."

Learning is a choice. An act of volition. It’s voluntary. It’s love.

My heart races, my body shakes, Because I’m compelled to know…

Who are we and what do we do if we act ‘as if’ Radford College is a place of learning, not a school?

Two things I want you to know.

If you want to be ordinary than at least just do the things that ordinary people do – if you want to be extraordinary – find extraordinary people and just do what they do.

You are capable of so much more than what you might think you are!

This year is your opportunity to discover how incredible you are. How your energy, your kindness, your heart is exactly what someone else needs, or what a problem needs in order to be solved.

When the best of you shows up.

You make a difference.
