Year 1 visits Tatum Farm

From Melinda Hamilton, Year 1 Teacher

Year 1 classes are enjoying visits to the Tatum Farm to tune into our inquiry into ‘How We Organise Ourselves’.

On the farm, students got to feed a llama and plant bean seeds. We learnt about composting and collected chicken eggs. Patting the guinea pigs was popular! On the farm there are goats we learnt about and fed, and we even got to see inside a beehive. The Tatum Farm was an amazing place to visit, and the students have shared their reflections:

Year 1 students visiting Tatum Farm
Year 1 students visiting Tatum Farm

· Lucas – My favourite bit was looking inside the beehive because we could see the bees making honey.

· Hannah – I have chickens at my house, so I liked showing others how to pick them up.

· Zaia – When you feed the goats, they kind of lick your hand. It felt kind of weird.

· Bo – In the chicken area I collected lots of eggs.

· Grace – I collected an egg from under a chicken! It was still warm.

· Pranavi – At first, I was a bit scared of the llamas but then I went and fed them, and it was so fun.

· Tilly – When I fed the llamas, they all crowded around and wanted the food! They have really long necks!

Lots of
Lots of "hands on" activities at Tatum Farm
