Memories and friendships made at Year 7 camp

By Khushi Katamaneni, Year 7

One of the main highlights of Year 7 is the camp at the start of Term 1, and this year was no exception.

Last week the year group went to Biloela where some of the activities included abseiling, canoeing, the flying fox and low ropes. Students developed their sense of initiative through tasks such as cooking their own food and navigating their way to different activities and campgrounds.

The week started with the different groups making their way to their first camp site. Four of the groups slept in tents for the first two nights and the other four in cabins. On Tuesday and Wednesday the camp groups had their very own Mini Olympics followed by a tasty barbecue for dinner.

A memorable part of camp was the water activities, which included canoeing and abseiling. Another significant part of camp was all the hiking and bush walking that was involved. Although great for our health, it proved to be a challenge made worse by the heat and humidity. Nevertheless, students persevered and pushed outside their comfort zones.

Overall, camp was magnificent! Although there were a few challenges, the experience was outstanding and enthralling. Many new friendships were made along the way and students got to know their teachers better. Truly an unforgettable adventure!
